This is default featured slide 1 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 2 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 3 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 4 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 5 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Thursday 12 November 2015

Apple and Google removed the app to Instagram, hundreds of thousands of stolen passwords

Apple and Google removed the app to Instagram, hundreds of thousands of stolen passwords. From the application store for the operating systems Android and iOS have removed one of the most popular third-party application for social network Instagram. Its creators are accused of stealing passwords and placing images on the tape users without their knowledge, reports The Verge.

Apple and Google removed the app to Instagram, hundreds of thousands of stolen passwords

Appendix InstaAgent collects data about your account and password, and then sent them unencrypted on unknown servers. This became known thanks to one iOS-developer who shared his unexpected discovery on Twitter. Several hours later, as the news is widely sold on the Internet, Google and Apple have taken action and removed the app from the store.

The administration Instagram reminded that it is not advised to use third-party development to access your account in the photosets. InstaAgent managed to become popular and to climb to the top spot ranking on Google Play and AppStore, allowing users to see who comes to their profiles.

Saturday 31 October 2015

Proof Google Tricks To Improve SEO

I share some tricks to test Google to enhance the SEO of your blog, it is a strategy that algorithms are not penalized. The only thing is that you spend a little time if you really want good results with the SEO of your projects.

I'm not much given to share some secret tricks that we use to position While our blogs, more if it means to cheat another website (never to Google), perform some actions to test Google that will strengthen your inbound links continuously and create very authoritative pages within your website.

Proof Google Tricks To Improve SEO

Why think about Google and its algorithms At Work SEO

If you do not think about the functioning of this important search engine, we can not succeed in SEO. You need to know the practices penalized, those operating or not and as a key factor meet the trends of different algorithms, this gives you the advantage of working ahead and be rewarded with better positioning whenever a change occurs.

We have several publications, one is about the most important factors for SEO. It includes key recommendations for positional naturally in Google. We also have a very broad: Making a good SEO work ", anyway let's what we came to several tricks you can easily do to best position your blog. SEO tricks by which you can not Penalize

1 Directories - Reciprocating Links Blogs

Before you criticize or think badly, read and understand the trick we know that reciprocal links are bad for SEO, more blog directories that usually do ask from your home (you get one from a new page posca authority and will demand the strongest one from your blog page, the home). The trick is to put it then that your blog is approved, then you remove the link!

It is to cheat a little (unethical, but also good for your ranking). Most blog directories threaten you with reciprocal links to check the permanence of the link, but almost never do, the trick is to leave several days or weeks (with some, can be removed as soon and you add).

Actually, we will not pergudicar directory as it remainders many links (some to your home page and other contents to our profile or where you are in link to our web) using the following points:

2- Profiles Communities Blogs

You may have several profiles in blog communities, even those like the previous case asking for a reciprocal link and naturally in those sections is the link to your blog. What we have to do is provide authority that profile:

A) share on social networks.
B) Put the links to profiles on your Google+ profile.
C) Put it anywhere you sign up for your links section.
D) In ​​a post to mention that site and link (if it is from your blog, it's a dofollow link).
E) To give an example from above: "One of my profiles ". On this site all the links that you put on your profile are dofollow and publications can put your links as you want (and in your articles, the links are nofollow). The good thing is that within this community every comment carries a dofollow links, ie .

3- profiles on social networks

The vast majority of social networks give you nofollow links, but the important thing is that they are good authority sites and transfer that authority to your website. These profiles the work with the same recommendations of the above, and to give them life according to people in the industry (regarded as an authority on your subject), eventually many will follow too.

4- Internal Links

Once inside the blog or website that we want to position, we can make a trick SEO very good: We create original content that is controversial (those that cause comments, the shares being or linked achieving viral dissemination thereof), that content is We link up with no more than two internal inputs that relate to the same home and the web.

The trick is adoptable good authority, the same that will be transferred automatically to the pages with links. It also works to create new content to link with old post that we want better positioning.

5- Having one or more links of great authority

We know that the subject of SEO are worth a few links of great authority many of walking. With the above points we can increase the authority of our links, but do not forget to look for other weighty. Links have much authority is ensuring you have a strong web, it is difficult to penalize by an attack of negative SEO or some mistake you make SEO work on this project.

A SEO trick that I have pending an article is to seek to be seen on a subject of which the public at the famous web "Wikipedia", those who lack reference, edit it and try to sneak a link to one of my blogs-

Thursday 3 September 2015

How To Make Money With A Blog With AdSense monetized?

We give you 10 tips to make more money in your blog if you are implementing Google AdSense advertising, we have many recommendations on this site, but it is good to remember the good instructions and for that I share this post.

How To Make Money With A Blog With AdSense monetized

How to Make Money With Google AdSense on your blog?

There are many recipes to really make good money from advertising Google AdSense and not good to talk about if we have no experience so if you have or think monetize your blog with it, you should read these tips to ensure that your venture is profitable.

Many people find it easy to find profitable niches and uncompeti (it's the best we can do), but not everyone knows focus their efforts on what really given good results. That said, the first thing you have to do is identify those niches where we can position well on many search keywords and pay per clik which is good, say more than 50 cents!

Recommendations To Earn More With AdSense Advertising

I present 10 recommendations to monetize very well with your blog with Google AdSense, but if we approach it in another way, it can also be the detallarte 10 errors that can be committed or that in the future could make if you do not follow the advice in this guide !

What are those good recommendations ?. Then I leave the top 10 guidelines for your blog to be profitable with this advertising:

1- The best location for your ads

Nobody doubts that make a good location of the blocks or boxes of ads is vital to generate good income with this advertising or otherwise. A good tip is to place Adsense in the most visible places of your web site, this way we ensure more clicks, and talking about it, the best areas to place these ads are:

A) - The head.

B) - The upper area of ​​your Sidebar.

C) - The upper left area of ​​your publication and if it is a format that fills all the better.
D) - Within the content. Many bloggers and users do not like them, but worth it.

2- Post regularly on your blog

If you want strong position your blog and create a community of readers willing to support your project, you must not only publish relevant content and very good quality, but it must do so on a regular basis. In short we can tell you the following:

Organic traffic from Google and other search engines + a good community of readers Visits = = = Good Ad Clicks earned money with Google Adsense on your blog.

3- Write consistently

Make sure your publications are understandable, they try these on a specific topic and that is easily identifiable. The reason is obvious: Google Adsense uses a robot that scans your page, thus determining which ads to show. If the Google AdSense robot will get confused and can not clearly identify what the page is, you can not actually show relevant ads.

4- Create good headlines

Your headlines should include keywords from the article. These keywords also greatly influence the analysis that make the robots Adsense contextual ads to display on your page. Identifies keywords well paid, that you can do using the Google AdWords tool.

5- Always show alternate ads

You not always have the same demand for ads, so it's possible that at some point Google has no relevant ads to show or for some reason can not analyze well your page to display ads related. It is a guarantee to always display advertising on your blog, if not relevant as to generate clicks, it will be to give you a few cents per print.

6- Never Clicking on your own ads

AdSense is very careful of the interests of advertisers and do not allow any kind of fraud, we know that it is very common for new bloggers to monetize this advertising are eager to see money in their accounts, but avoid accidental clicks up to not losing your mind.

7- Never violate the rules of AdSense

Not only is the famous song by clicking on your own ads, but also there are other rules you must follow so we suggest do what almost no one does: read the terms of use and all the information and guidance that offers Google Adsense.

Google Adsense, like any other company, has its rules. If you violate any of them, let me tell you run the risk of losing all your income accumulated so far, but more than that, that your account is disabled, and be marked on the black list of AdSense for life.

8- Do not try to Highlight your ads

Many bloggers to monetize with AdSense make the mistake of highlighting their ads, but is proven by studies, that advertising works best when viewed so that it fits with the content and design of the Blog. If you fit the web, visitors will clik with greater confidence as may think they are part of the content.

9. Remember to measure the performance of your ads

This advertising allows you to set your own criteria for monitoring. The monitoring criteria allow you to measure the performance of each ad or special page of this form to view your balance, you will have the information on how much money generated each specific ad or each format.

10- Generate good traffic or visits to your blog

We know that without traffic no clicks and not earn money with this or any advertisement that you put on your blog. Here are some tips for a good number of visitors on your pages:

A) - Being consistent is your publications: No matter if your blog is on a micronicho, where we always have to grow and a number of publications in your blog and shared on your social markers are good source of traffic. Important to note contents that are interesting and a lot of people are searching the Internet.

B) - Optimize your blog SEO par. We do not mean you have to become an SEO , but at least, must know and apply the basics of SEO to get traffic and user experience sufficient to be able to have a really profitable blog with AdSense.

A good tip (for those who know little about SEO), is to learn as much as possible of the experts and never, but never, implement a practice penalized by Google. At this point it is important to understand that your position should be or at least, should be natural.

C) - Promote your blog in different social networks. They are very good Google+ and Facebook, but there are hundreds of social networks in which you do not get much traffic to your website, but if a link quality and although from Google say they do not help the search engine optimization, the truth is that all experiments They say yes!

Remember that with a little knowledge and some work you can get your business online with a blog, this project will be profitable if you can be able to do things well and with Google AdSense have a golden opportunity.

Saturday 18 July 2015

Google AdSense - Good advice

1. First and foremost - read carefully before registration rules for participation in the Google AdSense (even better than 2-fold). Memorize them and never break. For violation of the rules of the administration of the program has the right to ban your account forever. So if in doubt about something - better once again look at the rules.

Google AdSense - Good advice

2. Note the link unit. It consists of a block of a given size to sponsored links. These links are similar in theme to your website, so should cause interest of visitors. If you correctly place a block on the page (you can place no more than 1 unit per 1 page), it is sure to bring you additional income.

3. In no case can not click on your own ads and asking friends to do it. These actions are prohibited by the rules of the program. AdSense has the tools to fix such actions. This may lead at least to the fact that these clicks will not be counted, and a maximum (in the case of repeated violations) to close the account without payment of earned and without the right of recovery.

4. It is forbidden to call to click on the ads
, you have to use labels such as "Click here!" "Everyone clicked - gift", etc., as well as various graphic elements whose aim is to attract the attention of visitors to the ads: pointers and arrows etc.

5. Account registering for one site, you can use it to host an unlimited number of ads on its own sites. And those other sites moderators AdSense will not be viewed. You will simply generate the code and paste it on your other sites. The code for all sites overall.

6. Use custom URL-channels and to create code for your AdSense. Channels allow you to track which pages ads more often, and how visitors click through the channels more.

7. Place the different versions
of AdSense ad units on the page (horizontal, vertical, square) and compare the results. Over time, you can define what options blocks have the highest click through to the site. Hence, the increase in profits.

8. On the same page can be placed not more than 3 ad units.

9. In order to increase profits, try to increase traffic to your site. Because the number of moves will directly depend on the number of visitors to your site. Well, the more clicks the more you can earn.

10. Do not select the ads Google AdSense or the scope or the background color (this is configurable in your account when you generate the code for the ads). Let them look like part of your site and not the ad unit. Then, your users will click on the ads, because quite a few annoying hype.

11. At present, the only way of getting money from AdSense for inhabitants of the CIS is a check once a month which is sent to the address that was provided during registration. A check will be sent only to those who earned $ 100 a month (or more). Otherwise, the amount collected and transferred to the next month). The check can be cashed at any major bank (in this case you will be charged a commission, and will have to wait 1 to 3 months). This operation is called a collection. However, AdSense is testing a new, more convenient ways to pay and in the near future they will be available to all residents of the CIS. And there are convenient online services. Search taxis :)

12. For best results, we recommend you to experiment and compare the results. So you can achieve greater profits to 40%.

Friday 17 July 2015

Problems With SEO and Your Blog Traffic?

May well have serious problems with traffic to your blog or website, positioning the issue is becoming increasingly difficult, Google is behind the SEO and not as experts or simply do not cheat to rank well have difficulty compete and make their projects profitable.

This publication contains a series of tips, advice that will help you solve some problems that do not allow your blog up positions in the results of web search engines is collected.

Problems With SEO and Your Blog Traffic?

Blog with little traffic or unprofitable and losing positions in Google, Relax!

It is very common that we have problems with a blog, whether an algorithmic penalty, be victims of so-called Google Dance, etc. The truth is that when we lose positions in the ranking, traffic is reduced and the blog is not as profitable, it is time to relax and take it easy!

Panic is the worst counselor in haste, the current can lead us to make more mistakes (of those that damage the web), but there are times when without making any mistakes can lose positions, trafficking and money with the mere fact that Google makes his famous dance in which changes the positioning of some keywords just to see how the user reacts to the new page you visit.

The famous dance Google is also used to see if the webmasters are trying to alter the positioning of your pages artificially. If Google lowers your various positions and immediately you put 50 or 100 links to give strength to your website, it is time that Google may catch you as a cheater so we must be cautious and see what is really going to not have a more serious problem as an algorithmic penalty or worse, a manual.

What to Do When our Blog does not grow or Lose Positions?

The truth is that the worst thing that can make a blogger is frustrated, get crazy when he sees his blog comes in chopped or that efforts to position it better and make it profitable seem to yield results. It's time to turn off the computer and go for a walk without even thinking you have trouble with your blog, share with friends and family, and you clear your mind has a good analysis of what is really going on:

1- Look into Google Webmaster Tools if you have any manual action.

For some malpractice SEO Google could have made you a visit and as a result get a penalty, look at this tool if that is the case. If so, identify and correct the cause, then ask for a reconcideración.

2- Check the quality of your inbound links, you might be doing SEO negative.

Analyze your incoming links, the negative SEO exists and you can be a victim of it, check out the links and those to be harmful have to authorizations (possibly see changes in the next algorithm update Google Penguin).

3- Look for information on the Internet about a change in the Google algorithm.

When I see radical changes in the positioning of my projects (whether positive or not), the first thing I look for is whether Google updated its algorithm, if so try to adjust to the new requirements of this.

4- Analyze your blog with a tool and see if you lost some links.

On occasions there are blogs that are deleted by Google, sites that no longer exist, pages webmasters erased their projects or simply edited (for example, all lost our links in blogosphere by changes in this web), when this happens web pages it or lose authority and we must compensate with new incoming link of similar quality.

5- Check your outbound links dofollow.

Any website which may put one link is disreputable and was recently penalized by Google, in which case you have to remove that link or do dofollow. Create the habit of only link to reputable sites, original sources and content of good quality.

6- Look how your competition has grown.

It is possible that the only thing this happening is that your competition is like winning the race in terms of SEO by: generating links, constantly updated, original content and high quality, etc.

7- Meet the operation of search engines and follow the trends of algorithms.

By knowing how the subject of SEO, we can have an advantage over those who do not devote enough time to do a good SEO work, follow the trends of algorithms and never be afraid of an update of them. By working with the trends we will always be happy with an update algorithms as we will benefit either because you did your job well or because competition goofed.

8- Do not post for publishing

I have hundreds of items in a network of blogs, some only serve to strengthen certain keywords, but others are the ones that really give me my traffic and make profitable projects. Investigates the issues that your users are looking for and that your website has the strength to position well in Google and write about them.

9. Promote your articles

Introduce your posts on social networks gives you the advantage of others to comment and share, also they know you as a blogger. Use the groups, communities, profiles and fan pages to promote your content, it is possible that you generate comments and links you need to better position in different search engines.

10- Improve your blog or website

Since the use of an unattractive template, sea optimized for display advertising or SEO, there are many things that can affect your blog or website and so be having some problems:

a) If you want to see how professional and if you want your content easy to read, you should use a template that looks good (not to frighten the user), use a size readable font as we not all read letters very small or simply do not want to strain your eyes.

b) advertising (to make money with your blog), we use templates that allow implementing good ad formats, from a white background, a lot better. If your ads (especially text) see themselves as part of the website, they will receive more clicks.

c) There are many templates, mostly free, with many links to sites their creators, force dofollow link to your site are stolen. These links have to be eliminated or put dofollow.

Wednesday 8 July 2015

Wolfenstein -The Old Blood

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood - independent addition prequel to one of the good old games in the genre shuterny action in the first person about the adventures of an American soldier in a dark lair of Nazis.

Wolfenstein -The Old Blood

The game is set in 1946 in an alternate reality in which German Nazis, if not won a complete victory, then at least, still have the power, and, moreover, considerable. They are fanatical and, of course, talented scientists have made significant progress in the field of military development, so your hero waiting until this unexplored opponents such as elite soldiers, cyborgs and combat drones. 

The game consists of two parts. In the first you will carry out a large-scale mission Vulfenshteyn castle, and the second attempt to thwart the mad archaeologist mad on the idea of ​​dark artifacts found in a provincial German town.

Year: 2015
Genre: Action (Action)
Platforms: PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4

Huawei Ascend P8 vs Ascend P7 - The flagship phones from China

In the highly competitive smartphone market, the China-based smartphone maker Huawei made its name with the Ascend series. The brand launched the Huawei Ascend P6 in 2013 as the world’s slimmest smartphone at that time. However, after the Ascend P6, the vendor lost the interest in the race of slimmest devices. The Ascend P6 was followed by the 6.5mm thick Huawei Ascend P7 in 2014.

Huawei Ascend P8 vs Ascend P7 - The flagship phones from China

This year, the company has launched the all-metal Huawei Ascend P8 measuring ultra-thin 6.4mm around the waist. So, where does the Ascend P8 stands against the Ascend P7? Let’s compare their features to find out more. 

Huawei Ascend P8 vs Ascend P7: The successor vs predecessor

The 2014 Huawei flagship, the Ascend P7 sports a slim 6.5mm body with a textured aluminium frame on the sides. At the rear panel, the phone offers a flat pane of toughened glass. Another highlight of the device is its curvy bottom edge and textured finish at the back. The Ascend P8 on the other hand flaunts a super slim 6.4mm waistline and is made out of aerospace-grade aluminium. Overall, in terms of design, the unibody metal Ascend P8 certainly looks better than the Ascend P7. 

Display and OS
The Huawei Ascend P7 and P8, both the smartphones offer outstanding displays. The Ascend P7 is equipped with a 5-inch full HD screen bearing a pixel density of 441 pixels per inch. The Ascend P8 offers a slightly bigger 5.2-inch full HD display with a pixel density of 424 pixels per inch. Overall, both devices offer almost similar media viewing experience with full HD screen panels. 

The Huawei Ascend P7 utilises a 1.8GHz quad-core HiSilicon Kirin 910T processor, which is further supported by a Mali 450 MP4 GPU and 2GB of RAM. The Huawei Ascend P8 on the other hand is powered by the next-gen 64-bit octa-core HiSilicon Kirin 835 processor, aided by a meaty 3GB of RAM. So, the Ascend P8 clearly offers better performance than its predecessor. 

Storage capacity & Software
The Huawei Ascend P7 comes in a single variant with 16GB of internal memory, which is further expandable up to 64GB via a microSD card slot. The Ascend P8 on the other hand comes in 16GB and 64GB flash memory variants, which can be further increased by a nanoSIM/microSD combo slot. On the software front, the Ascend P7 runs Android KitKat, but hasn’t yet received Lollipop as of now. The Ascend P8 gets another advantage here as it runs Android Lollipop out of the box. 

Talking about the camera specs, the Ascend P7 and P8, both are equipped with 13MP primary shooters and 8MP secondary snappers. However, Huawei is touting the Ascend P8 as the world’s first smartphone to offer a 13MP camera sensor that captures light in red-green-blue-white, resulting in DSLR-quality images thanks to an independent image processor. 

Connectivity & Battery

Connectivity features are almost similar including 4G LTE support, 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0, micro-USB, NFC, and A-GPS. However, the Ascend P8 is loaded with the company’s new Signal+ technology with two antennas to avoid data or network signal issues. Talking about the battery, the Ascend P7 is fueled by a 2,500mAh unit that delivers 14 hours of talk time. The Ascend P8 is backed by a 2,680 battery that promises to last 2.3 days on mixed usage. 

Coming to the verdict, the Huawei Ascend P7 is still a decent offering with a full HD display, a powerful processor, 4G LTE support, and decent camera specs. However, its successor, the Huawei Ascend P8 is certainly is great upgrade over its predecessor. The phone offers a bigger display, higher performance, better camera features, and a bigger battery. Coming to the prices, the Ascend P7 is currently retailing online for around Rs 22,800. The Ascend P8 is yet to reach India, and is expected to retail for around Rs 33,500.

Author: Kundan Srivastava

Thursday 2 July 2015

Battlefield - Hardline

Game Battlefield: Hardline, created in the genre of action, will take you into the territory of the city, in which ignite serious passions.

Project Battlefield: Hardline from the Battlefield series tells the story of the great opposition brave policemen and brave robbers. Design Mode is designed for many users, and the gameplay is virtually identical to the previous variations. Stylish graphics and unique atmosphere Battlefield: Hardline creates a sense of absolute presence in virtuality. To bring the matter to its logical conclusion, players will have to try and attend.

A small video clip of just one episode of this battle, without exaggeration, a great play, give a complete picture of a continuation of the famous series.
Year: 2015
Genre: Action (Action)
Platforms: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4

Friday 26 June 2015

Far Cry 4 - Valley of the Yetis

Far Cry Game 4: Valley of the Yetis - a fascinating shooter with the latest generation gameplay and improved graphics, which will allow you to plunge into another reality.

In the story of the development of Far Cry 4: Valley of the Yetis, your plane crashes in place, the most detached from civilization. On the tops of the Himalayas to you theirs will be a severe test. Survive help cunning, caution and smekaesh. And how else? After all forces in opposition is not on your side. Only the terrible snow people are worth. Not to get to them for dinner, better to break their camp, to find the right tools and do research area. About the same adrenaline rush you will ensure the game Assassin's Creed Unity - Dead Kings.

Year: 2015
Genre: Action (Action)
Platforms: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4

Assassin's Creed Unity - Dead Kings

Game Assassin's Creed Unity - Dead Kings, created in the genre of action, takes you into the turbulent past of France, in the days when a fire broke out in the country of the revolution. The anger of the people attacked the bourgeoisie and its representatives were forced to flee.

Assassins Creed Unity - Dead Kings
You project Assassin's Creed Unity - Dead Kings play the role of a treasure hunt. French monarchs put their treasure in Saint-Denis. Basically, everything of value on the surface, but much is hidden in the depths of the catacombs. To find the jewelry, you need to work hard. For searches do not forget about other hunters for values. With the help crack down on enemies and cannon guillotine.

Assassins Creed Unity - Dead Kings

Year: 2015
Genre: Action (Action)
Platforms: PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4

Tuesday 23 June 2015

20 Facts About Facebook Management Strategies

Marketing on Facebook has become the latest trend every business is following – simply because this platform has over one billion users accessing it on a daily basis. Listed below are 20 facts about Facebook management strategies that can help boost traffic to a business web page.

20 Facts About Facebook Management Strategies

Fact #1 Facebook has a huge potential for every business. It offers great promotional opportunities for any business and can help attract new customers.

Fact #2 Facebook gives benefits to social media. Continuous interviews show that 49% of connections with small businesses were found to be beneficial in social media efforts.

Fact #3 Facebook strategies play a huge role. New businesses that fail to make an impact on Facebook usually fail to realize that strategies are important in marketing on this platform.

Fact #4 Focusing solely on attracting new customers won’t help. There is a need to motivate fans to  share the business page.         

Fact #5 The Insights tool is valuable. Its data is an important resource in accomplishing specific marketing goals.

Fact #6 Facebook Ads work like crazy. Invest in Facebook ads to have a huge boost in traffic. It is among the fail-safe Facebook strategies with a proven ROI.

Fact #7 Photos boost engagement. Be creative and use interesting images in promotional activities since posts with photos and catchy titles attract users.

Fact #8 An attractive logo helps a business brand. It gets better recognized with a good logo; if budget permits, custom-designed by professionals would be better.

Fact #9 Active audience can generate greater following. Putting up posts when page followers are more active gives better results. Behavioral study and posting accordingly are important.

Fact #10 Facebook strategies should be periodically fine-tuned. After analyzing the statistics, try ways to improve in order to get maximum returns from marketing on Facebook.

Fact #11 Frequent calls-to-action is a great motivation for followers. Putting up a call-to-action on the cover page can motivate fans to like and share content.

Fact #12 Regularly updating page’s cover photos and profile pictures helps. Any change in pages definitely shows up on fans’ news feed. These updates have the potential to engage both new and existing fans.

Fact #13 Observe what works and what doesn’t. Many successful businesses marketing on Facebook study their statistics carefully to understand where they can target the audience better.

Fact #14 Look at the page from fans’ perspective. Viewing pages from fans’ outlook helps understand what’s attractive and what might sound very pushy.

Fact #15 Encouraging comments from fans engages the followers. Comments are more likely to grab an attention of potential customers so motivate the existing fans to comment on the business page.

Fact #16 Updates work best with links. A recent study done by a successful Facebook marketer has revealed that links in updates work far better than links anywhere else.

Fact #17 Connecting other social pages with Facebook is important. There is a need to put a Facebook icon on other social pages that will encourage audiences to pay a visit to interlinked sites.

Fact #18 Tools maximize the marketing strategy. One of the biggest pluses about Facebook tools is that they simplify your marketing efforts and bring a jump in traffic to your business.

Fact #19 Regular updates is paramount to stay relevant. Any change on the page will keep the business brand relevant to the followers and can also boost traffic.

Fact #20 Being creative helps the brand to stand out. The most successful marketers on Facebook are creative and innovative.

20 Facts About Facebook Management Strategies

Follow the strategies above and don’t hesitate to experiment. Who knows? You might be the next big marketer on Facebook. Go ahead and find out what works best for your business.

Sheena Mathieson, understands the essence of making excellent content that suits the needs of every business especially when it comes online marketing. She can spice up your marketing campaign with the content she makes and then incorporate Buy Real Marketing services.

Sunday 14 June 2015

Description of the game Assassin's Creed Chronicles China

Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China - the first part of a trilogy based on the self-mega action, action which takes place in medieval China in the dark days of anarchy that followed the fall of the Ming Dynasty. The main character was trained in a secret fraternity of assassins and returned to his homeland to help restore order and rebuild the local Order of Assassins.

Description of the game Assassin's Creed Chronicles China

The gameplay is traditional, is no different from the original version of the game. You will control your character in the third person, and perform a variety of missions, predominantly related to the secret penetration on protected objects and silent elimination of opponents. Beautiful acrobatics, spectacular fighting techniques, beautifully-drawn locations - all this awaits you in this series.

New games usually do not know what to expect, especially when it comes to self-cycle cult trilogy of games from independent studios. Is it worth spending your time on it, and the more money you will learn from the detailed video review.

Year: 2015
Genre: Action (Action) Arcade
Platforms: PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4

Thursday 4 June 2015

Easy Transfer Files between Android and Windows PC Using WiFi

Transferring files without USB-data cable: Have you ever tried to transfer any files, such as any documents, songs, videos, movies, software, games, etc. between your computer and android phones without the use of a data cable USB. Yes it can, to curry favor, I'm going to tell you about a simple way to transfer files between a computer and using a mobile phone WiFi. To use this method you need a computer with MS Windows operating system and android devices. 

This method makes the use of WiFi instead of USB Data Cable so make sure your both device have WiFi facility. If you wanna transfer files between Laptop and Android phone then ok you don't need need any extra hardware because now a days almost every laptops & android phones have WiFi facility but if you want to perform this job with Desktop computer then you will need a WiFi Adapter to use WiFi in your PC. Steps are very simple, lets see the tutorial step by step.

What You Need?

As i already told you that you need an Computer or Laptop with Windows OS, an Android phone. Except these, here you will need one android application named Software Data Cable to perform such job.

Steps to Transfer Files between Computer and Android Phone or Vice Versa.

  • First of all take your android phone and open Play Store.
  • Now Search for an application. In search box type Software Data Cable and hit search button.
  • Select the first app named Software Data Cable from the search result as shown in the picture below.
Search Software Data Cable
  • Install the app and once the installation is completed, open them.
Install Software Data Cable
  • Well, now click on START SERVICE button which is situated in the bottom.
Start Service, Software Data Cable
  • Make a click on Create network as shown in picture below.
Create Network in Software Data Cable
  • Once you will complete above process the Hotspot service will be automatically created in your android phone. Please note the Network SSID and Password and click on Dismiss.
  • Now Turn ON the WiFi in your computer, search for the available network and made a connection with that Network and Password you have noted in above step.
  • You'r done. Note the FTP address which is displayed on your Phone's screen. Now open My Computer and enter the FTP address in address bar and hit enter (as shown in below picture).
FTP Adress from Software Data Cable
  • Thats all, now Open storage folder and transfer the files whatever you want to transfer from Android phone to computer or vice versa.

Thursday 28 May 2015

Lenovo ThinkPad tablet 10 - a new processor and Windows 10

Among the novelties that Lenovo has shown at an exhibition in Beijing was an updated model 10 ThinkPad Tablet running on of Windows. The tablet will be available in different configurations, as processors will be set fresh 64-bit 14-nanometer processors Intel Cherry Trail: Atom x5-Z8500 clocked at 1.44-2.24 GHz or Atom x7-Z8700 in the 1.6 - 2.4 GHz. The amount of RAM is 2 or 4 GB.

Among the novelties that Lenovo has shown at an exhibition in Beijing was an updated model 10 ThinkPad Tablet running on of Windows. The tablet will be available in different configurations, as processors will be set fresh 64-bit 14-nanometer processors Intel Cherry Trail: Atom x5-Z8500 clocked at 1.44-2.24 GHz or Atom x7-Z8700 in the 1.6 - 2.4 GHz. The amount of RAM is 2 or 4 GB.  Screen size - 10.1 inches, used IPS-matrix with a resolution of 1920x1200, the screen is protected by Gorilla Glass 3. As an SSD drive will be set to 64 or 128 GB. Wireless modules: Wi-Fi 802.11ac and Bluetooth 4.0, 3G / 4G LTE - optional connectors: USB 3.0, microHDMI, 3.5-mm headphone output and a slot microSD. The back camera - 5 megapixel, front - 1.2 MP. Battery 32 W / h, promises up to 10 hours of battery life. The tablet will sell in the summer. The simplest configuration is priced at $ 550, will also be available for mass variety of accessories, ranging from cases and ending with a docking keyboard and an electronic pen.

Screen size - 10.1 inches, used IPS-matrix with a resolution of 1920x1200, the screen is protected by Gorilla Glass 3. As an SSD drive will be set to 64 or 128 GB. Wireless modules: Wi-Fi 802.11ac and Bluetooth 4.0, 3G / 4G LTE - optional connectors: USB 3.0, microHDMI, 3.5-mm headphone output and a slot microSD. The back camera - 5 megapixel, front - 1.2 MP. Battery 32 W / h, promises up to 10 hours of battery life. The tablet will sell in the summer. The simplest configuration is priced at $ 550, will also be available for mass variety of accessories, ranging from cases and ending with a docking keyboard and an electronic pen.

Thursday 21 May 2015

Grand Theft Auto V Game has overcome the bar to 52 million copies sold

GTA series is incredibly popular around the world. Players in many countries line up in long queues in front of the game store to be among the first who touches every next creation studio Rockstar. Similarly, the left and GTA V. First game won the hearts of owners of the previous generation of consoles Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, and then migrated to the new consoles Xbox One and PS4, but in the final of his journey, and looked for a visit to the PC-gamers.

Grand Theft Auto V Game has overcome the bar to 52 million copies sold

Game publisher Take-Two Interactive has published official data showing that GTA V sold around the world circulation of more than 52 million copies. These figures include the number of shipped all five games for the platform, since September 2013, when GTA V has just been launched. For the 2014 fiscal year, which ended March 31 Publishing, it received a net income of $ 1.7 billion.

But the good news did not end there. After all, apparently, publishing is preparing to release a new unannounced AAA game that will debut later this year. Moreover, the game will go on sale until April 2016, so that the wait is very long. What will it be? Continued Red Dead Redemption? Scene spin-off of GTA V? Or a sequel to one of my favorite games Bully? Wait for E3 2015, which will certainly become known to the interesting details of the hit.

Saturday 16 May 2015

How to live ?, Google AdSense is possible to earn good money?

How to live ?, Google AdSense can make money ?, really advertising is profitable ?. Almost every day we get questions like, some ask on the blog, other social networks and even email (I prefer to read the articles or ask in the blog), but today we answer such concerns.

How to live ?, Google AdSense is possible to earn good money?

As the subject of making enough money to live on Google AdSense achieve is very extensive, this issue I'll put links to other publications that complement it. You must keep in mind that it takes hard work doing things correctly and you're also not the only one that will be published on your topic.

What it takes to live advertising Google AdSense?

Basically you need to combine four elements in your blog or website mometizado Google AdSense: Having a lot of traffic, use good keywords, a good squad and use the most appropriate ad formats. Here are each of these points are essential if you really want to live AdSense:

With good traffic

See this link: How to generate traffic to your blog. If many people come to your blog or website, it is logical that this system works well monetization, to be profitable. But there are fundamental points that you should take into account and that is that we present below.

With good keywords (keywords)

Not the same generate 1,000 hits with maybe 10 or 20 clicks a topic for which advertisers pay very little (0.1 or 10 cents per click) to write on keywords that pay you well (up one or two US dollars) . View post: "Google AdSense and keywords".

With a good template

Not all templates are good for making money with this publicity, even the vast majority of the most elegant, professional and payment templates are poorly optimized for AdSense. Simple templates and white backgrounds and also allow any ad format, these are the best.

Appropriate formats

Ad formats should be best. If people see the ads and are not motivated, no doubt, you'll never earn enough to be able to live in this advertising. See publication on ad formats.

What is the best strategy for living of Google AdSense?

Regardless of how profitable or not the theme of your blog or website, the best strategy is to write about what you love, what you like and what you're good. Many entrepreneurs start an online project just thinking about how much money is going to win (this is my case with one of my blogs), but soon feels much peresa and are not motivated to write.

When the case is the former, it would be best to have a publishing site news, the kind in which users create the content and you only funges as moderator. Large platforms of this type have success because we die bloggers to have a link on another website (imagimas how well you can live AdSense with an article directory!).

Another strategy that works is the creation of several niche blogs. Knowing that you need to make a good study of keywords and make the proper job (SEO). The advantage is that it can be positioned well with few publications and then occasionally update for a way to maintenance and not to stop growing.

 Before you create a site that uses this Advertising

Many people make the mistake of thinking of creating a blog AdSense, but do a study of keywords: amount of search, analysis of competition, the advertising value of keywords, etc. But also make the mistake of using any url and put names to the web illogical.

A common rookie mistake (which I too made), is to create sites before learning some of the SEO topic. If you do not know the basics of SEO it will be very difficult indeed to live AdSense or succeed with any online monetization system.

In this blog, we have many publications about using this advertising: optimization recommendations, tips on SEO to help get enough traffic and other relevant. Many of the questions we are already answered in different publications so I recommend checking the blog.

In conclusion, saying that only well-motivated person who can work intelligently may in time be able to say who lives in revenue with Google AdSense. Most have to work for more than a year to make his first collection and talk about those who strive, without taking into account those who die in the attempt (those who abandon their blogs).

If you are looking for someone who lives in Google AdSense, I can say I've had very bad months: December, January and February, but thanks to God I am of those who live off the income generated by this advertising. Many do not like AdSense, but not only for this live the webmasters since there are other alternative monetization of which also speak in other publications.

I hope your comments and recommendations, but above all you succeed in your online venture. If you use this advertising, you really can earn good money with it.

Monday 4 May 2015

Problems With SEO and Your Blog Traffic?

May well have serious problems with traffic to your blog or website, positioning the issue is becoming increasingly difficult, Google is behind the SEO and not as experts or simply do not cheat to rank well have difficulty compete and make their projects profitable.

Problems With SEO and Your Blog Traffic?

This publication contains a number of tips are collected recommendations that will help you solve some problems that do not allow your blog up positions in the results of the web search engines. I invite you to read the article is the blog: "Live With My Personal and Business Center".

Your Blog with little traffic, unprofitable and losing positions in Google, Relax!

It is very common that we have problems with a blog, whether an algorithmic penalty, be victims of so-called Google Dance, etc. The truth is that when we lose positions in the ranking, traffic is reduced and the blog is not as profitable, it is time to relax and take it easy!

Panic is the worst counselor in haste, the current can lead us to make more mistakes (of those that damage the web), but there are times when without making any mistakes can lose positions, trafficking and money with the mere fact that Google makes his famous dance in which changes the positioning of some keywords just to see how the user reacts to the new page you visit.

The famous dance Google is also used to see if the webmasters are trying to alter the positioning of your pages artificially. If Google lowers your various positions and immediately you put 50 or 100 links to give strength to your website, it is time that Google may catch you as a cheater so we must be cautious and see what is really going to not have a more serious problem as an algorithmic penalty or worse, a manual.

What to Do When our Blog does not grow or Lose Positions?

The truth is that the worst thing that can make a blogger is frustrated, get crazy when he sees his blog comes in chopped or that efforts to position it better and make it profitable seem to yield results. It's time to turn off the computer and go for a walk without even thinking you have trouble with your blog, share with family and friends, and already well clear your mind has an analysis of what is really going on:

1- Look into Google Webmaster Tools if you have any manual action.

For some malpractice SEO Google could have made you a visit and as a result get a penalty, look at this tool if that is the case. If so, identify and correct the cause, then ask for a reconcideración.

2- Check the quality of your inbound links, you might be doing SEO negative.

Analyze your incoming links, the negative SEO exists and you can be a victim of it, check out the links and those to be harmful have to desautorizarlos (possibly see changes in the next algorithm update Google Penguin).

3- Look for information on the Internet about a change in the Google algorithm.

When I see radical changes in the positioning of my projects (whether positive or not), the first thing I look for is whether Google updated its algorithm, if so try to adjust to the new requirements of this.

4- Analyze your blog with a tool and see if you lost some links.

On occasions there are blogs that are deleted by Google, sites that no longer exist, pages webmasters erased their projects or simply edited (for example, all lost our links in blogosphere by changes in this web), when this happens web pages it or lose authority and we must compensate with new incoming link of similar quality.

5- Check your outbound links dofollow.

Any website which may put one link is disreputable and was recently penalized by Google, in which case you have to remove that link or do dofollow. Create the habit of only link to reputable sites, original sources and content of good quality.

Hira has grown as your competition.

It is possible that the only thing this happening is that your competition is like winning the race in terms of SEO by: generating links, constantly updated, original content and high quality, etc.

7- Meet the operation of search engines and follow the trends of algorithms.

By knowing how the subject of SEO, we can have an advantage over those who do not devote enough time to do a good SEO work, follow the trends of algorithms and never be afraid of an update of them. By working with the trends we will always be happy with an update algorithms as we will benefit either because you did your job well or because competition goofed.

8- Do not post for publishing

I have hundreds of items in a network of blogs, some only serve to strengthen certain keywords, but others are the ones that really give me my traffic and make profitable projects. Investigates the issues that your users are looking for and that your website has the strength to position well in Google and write about them.

9. Promote your articles

Introduce your posts on social networks gives you the advantage of others to comment and share, also they know you as a blogger. Use the groups, communities, profiles and fan pages to promote your content, it is possible that you generate comments and links you need to better position in different search engines.

Commenting on other blogs in your same subject can be very effective in generating traffic and a link for SEO value. While the links are dofollow comments, if made on the same topic sites and adding value to them, help you to let you know, get traffic and are good for SEO of your blog or website.

10- Improve your blog or website

Since the use of an unattractive template, sea optimized for display advertising or SEO, there are many things that can affect your blog or website and so be having some problems:

a) If you want to see how professional and if you want your content easy to read, you should use a template that looks good (not to frighten the user), use a size readable font as we not all read letters very small or simply do not want to strain your eyes.

b) advertising (to make money with your blog), we use templates that allow implementing good ad formats, from a white background, a lot better. If your ads (especially text) see themselves as part of the website, they will receive more clicks.

c) There are many templates, mostly free, with many links to sites their creators, force dofollow link to your site are stolen. These links have to be eliminated or put dofollow.

Other Ways to Avoid Problems With Web Positioning

1- Avoid having unnecessary plugins: many want to impress the visitor showing plugins that really contribute nothing, but do have outbound links that steal the strength of the blog, that distract the user, which can cause you annoying pop-ups, slow down the web, etc.

2- Link your related content: internally link serves to support and expand the information of your publications, but also to increase the residence time of your web visitors, increase the number of your page views, decrease the rebound cup provide better user experience.

3- Constantly updated with original content of at least 700 words (ensures that the information is relevant, not only much blah blah blah), if you use third party content must remember to cite sources and with live links (preferably nofollow). The downside of having to quote source is the webmaster prefer blogs to share their original content and not yours, so it is much better to create your own content.

May be many reasons why your blog or website is not profitable, identify the causes and apply a solution. So generate problems and the mistakes we make help us grow, just keep locking up having the success you want with your online projects.

I recommend you see shows publication on SEO, it will see some more tips to make your website a more profitable result of a better position, that you need to have more traffic.

Thursday 2 April 2015

The European Commission is ready to present Google charges a $ 6 billion

The European Commission has decided to discontinue negotiations with Google about the violation of the antimonopoly legislation and move to a more effective method. In particular, she is determined to prove the Internet giant their point of view through the courts. According to the authoritative edition of The Wall Street Journal, the official charges against Google should be made in the EC the next few weeks.

The European Commission is ready to present Google charges a $ 6 billion

For several years now, the European Commission is trying to prove that Google uses its dominant position in the search market to promote their own products and services, which is contrary to law. Now the European Commission is more determined and even appealed to the companies that had previously filed complaints on Google, so they gave her permission to share some of the information transmitted on a confidential basis. Among these companies - the point of retail trade, tourism, and many other organizations.

If the Commission is able to prove in court that Google is abusing its market leadership, the US Internet giant will have to fork out for a decent amount of which is estimated at about US $ 6 billion.

Sunday 29 March 2015

Facebook will begin testing a huge drone summer

This month, Facebook has successfully tested a prototype unmanned aerial vehicle on solar batteries. In the summer as planned test flight of the UAV with a wingspan of up to 10 times more - as the aircraft Boeing 737. As reported by The Wall Street Journal, in spite of the impressive size, weighs like a drone as a small car.

The project is called Facebook Aquila, it is realized in the framework of the, which also involved companies such as Ericsson, Nokia, Qualcomm, Samsung and others. The project will provide access to the Internet by means of unmanned aerial vehicles Solar in remote regions and developing countries.

Drones can be in flight at an altitude of about 20 thousand. Meters for months. Flight altitude UAV will protect from the weather and winds, they will not interfere with the planes making commercial flights. To transfer data plan to use technology FSO (Free Space Optics): information reaches the destination through the atmosphere by means of electromagnetic waves in the optical range.

However, while all this in theory, since before the launch of the online drones Facebook engineers will ensure safety, entered into a partnership with telecom operators and ISP.

Microsoft gave the National Library of Belarus software licenses

On Friday, March 27, Microsoft gave the National Library of the Republic of Belarus of the software license. According to the head of Microsoft office in Belarus Irina Maximova, IT-Infrastructure Library meets the necessary conditions for the use of it transmitted software.

Microsoft gave the National Library of Belarus software licenses

"In addition, we also provide monthly support to start a project - start-ups - in the form of access to our technology," - added Maximov.

"By providing us many visitors to the library, students of various educational programs will have access to new information technologies", - said Roman Motulsky, director of the National Library of Belarus. In an official press release does not specify a license for what software was transferred to the National Library of Belarus.

It is noted that the activities of the Microsoft gratis software in Belarus will continue, but there are certain limitations. So, this activity will not apply to organizations that do not have the appropriate status of NGOs, religious groups, political parties, private foundations, receiving funds from a limited source, and some educational and medical institutions.

Google will develop robotic surgeons

In recent years, Google has actively manifests itself not only as an independent developer, but also as a reliable partner for many other companies from various fields of activity. However, the recent move of the Internet giant is still a surprise: Google formalize partnerships with medical and pharmaceutical company Johnson & Johnson.

Google will develop robotic surgeons

In the framework of cooperation, both companies will work on the creation of robots that help surgeons in operations. Perhaps in the future will be able to carry out such a Robotics surgery alone.

As suggested by the team Google Life Sciences, which oversees the project on behalf of Google, the use of robots in surgery can significantly improve your overall health. At least robotic surgeons (or assistant surgeons) will allow more precise actions in the process of operating. This will be reflected in the psychological calm patients before surgery and in their subsequent more rapid recovery.

Friday 20 March 2015

How to Live from Google AdSense ?, Is Possible Earn Good Money?

How to live ?, Google AdSense can make money ?, truly profitable advertising ?. Almost every day we get questions like, some ask blog, other social networks and even email (I prefer to read the articles or ask in the blog), but today we answer this concern.

How to Live from Google AdSense ?, Is Possible Earn Good Money?

As the subject of making enough money to make live Google AdSense is very extensive, this issue I'll post links to other publications that complement it. You must keep in mind that it takes hard work doing things correctly because you're also not alone're posting about your topic.

What You Need to Live in Advertising Google AdSense?

Basically you need to combine four elements in your blog or website Google AdSense: Having a lot of traffic, use good keywords, good template and use the most appropriate ads formats. Here are each of these points are essential if you really want to live AdSense:

With good traffic

See this link: How to generate traffic to your blog. If many people come to your blog or website, it is logical that this system works well monetization, which is profitable. But there are fundamental points that you should take into account and that is that we present below.

With Good keywords (keywords)

Not the same generate 1,000 hits with maybe 10 or 20 clicks with a topic for which advertisers pay very little (0.1 or 10 cents per click) to write about keywords that pay you well (up one or two US dollars) . View post: "Google AdSense and keywords".

With a good template

Not all templates are good for making money with this publicity, even the vast majority of the most elegant, professional and payment templates are not well optimized for AdSense. Simpler templates with white backgrounds and also allow any ad format, these are the best.

Appropriate formats

Ad formats should be best. If people see the ads and not motivated, no doubt, you'll never earn enough to make live this advertising. View publication on ad formats.

What Is The Best Strategy To Live in Google AdSense?

Regardless of how profitable or not the theme of your blog or website, the best strategy is to write about what you love, what you like and what you're good. Many entrepreneurs start an online project just thinking about how much money is going to win (that's my case with any of my blogs), but soon feels much are not motivated to write.

When the case is the former, it would be best to have a publishing site news, the kind where users create content and you just fun as moderator. Large platforms of this type have success because we die bloggers to have a link to another website.

Another strategy that works is the creation of several niche blogs. Knowing that you need to make a good study of keywords and make the proper work (SEO). The advantage is that it can be positioned well with few publications and then occasionally update for a way to maintain and to not stop growing.

Before you create a site that will use this Advertisement

Many people make the mistake of thinking to create a blog AdSense, but do a study of keywords: amount of search, competitor analysis, the advertising value of keywords, etc. But also make the mistake of using any url and put names to the web illogical.

A common rookie mistake (which I too made), is to create sites before learning some of SEO theme. If you do not know the basics of SEO will be very difficult indeed to live AdSense or succeed with any online monetization system.

In this blog, we have many publications about using this advertising: optimization recommendations, tips on SEO to help get enough traffic and other relevant. Many of the questions we are already answered in different publications so I recommend checking the blog.

In conclusion
, saying that only well-motivated person who can work intelligently may in time be able to say who lives in revenue with Google AdSense. Most have to work for more than a year to make your first payment and speak of those who are struggling, without taking into account those who die in the attempt (those who abandon their blogs).

If you are looking for someone who lives in Google AdSense, I can say I've had very bad months: December, January and February, but thank God am among those who live off the income generated by this advertising. Many do not like AdSense, but not only this lives webmasters and there are alternative monetization of whom also speak in other publications.

I hope your comments and recommendations, but mostly you succeed in your online venture. If you use this advertising, you really can earn good money with it.

Saturday 28 February 2015

Dragon Age 2 PC Game

To the Origins, BioWare dredging up cubes background to mind their best writers. New ground was invented flag with religious intolerance and racism inherent. Then, when the continent was Thedas concrete, BioWare forgot they invented all that attractive and hit the typical "kill the big bad things" fancy frame on top. Despite its size and surprise, Origen does not make full use of their fascinating world.

Dragon Age 2 PC Game

 Dragon Age 2 PC Game

Dragon Age 2 is doing well. This is another epic RPG, still takes more than 50 hours to complete. He still has a deep complex combat system, and still throw a clearly defined support. But it is also an RPG, which prides itself on its mythology, confident in his purpose to trace the emergence of complete and utter Badass. Do You.

We expect that our heroes RPG experience a gradual process of learning and skills as they discover that ah, better insert the tip of the sword of the enemy. But the first time I held Hawke, who had access to the skills of front-line combat. Surrounded by creatures of darkness on the hill, I killed with energy.