This is default featured slide 1 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 2 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 3 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 4 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 5 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Friday 26 June 2015

Far Cry 4 - Valley of the Yetis

Far Cry Game 4: Valley of the Yetis - a fascinating shooter with the latest generation gameplay and improved graphics, which will allow you to plunge into another reality.

In the story of the development of Far Cry 4: Valley of the Yetis, your plane crashes in place, the most detached from civilization. On the tops of the Himalayas to you theirs will be a severe test. Survive help cunning, caution and smekaesh. And how else? After all forces in opposition is not on your side. Only the terrible snow people are worth. Not to get to them for dinner, better to break their camp, to find the right tools and do research area. About the same adrenaline rush you will ensure the game Assassin's Creed Unity - Dead Kings.

Year: 2015
Genre: Action (Action)
Platforms: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4

Assassin's Creed Unity - Dead Kings

Game Assassin's Creed Unity - Dead Kings, created in the genre of action, takes you into the turbulent past of France, in the days when a fire broke out in the country of the revolution. The anger of the people attacked the bourgeoisie and its representatives were forced to flee.

Assassins Creed Unity - Dead Kings
You project Assassin's Creed Unity - Dead Kings play the role of a treasure hunt. French monarchs put their treasure in Saint-Denis. Basically, everything of value on the surface, but much is hidden in the depths of the catacombs. To find the jewelry, you need to work hard. For searches do not forget about other hunters for values. With the help crack down on enemies and cannon guillotine.

Assassins Creed Unity - Dead Kings

Year: 2015
Genre: Action (Action)
Platforms: PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4

Tuesday 23 June 2015

20 Facts About Facebook Management Strategies

Marketing on Facebook has become the latest trend every business is following – simply because this platform has over one billion users accessing it on a daily basis. Listed below are 20 facts about Facebook management strategies that can help boost traffic to a business web page.

20 Facts About Facebook Management Strategies

Fact #1 Facebook has a huge potential for every business. It offers great promotional opportunities for any business and can help attract new customers.

Fact #2 Facebook gives benefits to social media. Continuous interviews show that 49% of connections with small businesses were found to be beneficial in social media efforts.

Fact #3 Facebook strategies play a huge role. New businesses that fail to make an impact on Facebook usually fail to realize that strategies are important in marketing on this platform.

Fact #4 Focusing solely on attracting new customers won’t help. There is a need to motivate fans to  share the business page.         

Fact #5 The Insights tool is valuable. Its data is an important resource in accomplishing specific marketing goals.

Fact #6 Facebook Ads work like crazy. Invest in Facebook ads to have a huge boost in traffic. It is among the fail-safe Facebook strategies with a proven ROI.

Fact #7 Photos boost engagement. Be creative and use interesting images in promotional activities since posts with photos and catchy titles attract users.

Fact #8 An attractive logo helps a business brand. It gets better recognized with a good logo; if budget permits, custom-designed by professionals would be better.

Fact #9 Active audience can generate greater following. Putting up posts when page followers are more active gives better results. Behavioral study and posting accordingly are important.

Fact #10 Facebook strategies should be periodically fine-tuned. After analyzing the statistics, try ways to improve in order to get maximum returns from marketing on Facebook.

Fact #11 Frequent calls-to-action is a great motivation for followers. Putting up a call-to-action on the cover page can motivate fans to like and share content.

Fact #12 Regularly updating page’s cover photos and profile pictures helps. Any change in pages definitely shows up on fans’ news feed. These updates have the potential to engage both new and existing fans.

Fact #13 Observe what works and what doesn’t. Many successful businesses marketing on Facebook study their statistics carefully to understand where they can target the audience better.

Fact #14 Look at the page from fans’ perspective. Viewing pages from fans’ outlook helps understand what’s attractive and what might sound very pushy.

Fact #15 Encouraging comments from fans engages the followers. Comments are more likely to grab an attention of potential customers so motivate the existing fans to comment on the business page.

Fact #16 Updates work best with links. A recent study done by a successful Facebook marketer has revealed that links in updates work far better than links anywhere else.

Fact #17 Connecting other social pages with Facebook is important. There is a need to put a Facebook icon on other social pages that will encourage audiences to pay a visit to interlinked sites.

Fact #18 Tools maximize the marketing strategy. One of the biggest pluses about Facebook tools is that they simplify your marketing efforts and bring a jump in traffic to your business.

Fact #19 Regular updates is paramount to stay relevant. Any change on the page will keep the business brand relevant to the followers and can also boost traffic.

Fact #20 Being creative helps the brand to stand out. The most successful marketers on Facebook are creative and innovative.

20 Facts About Facebook Management Strategies

Follow the strategies above and don’t hesitate to experiment. Who knows? You might be the next big marketer on Facebook. Go ahead and find out what works best for your business.

Sheena Mathieson, understands the essence of making excellent content that suits the needs of every business especially when it comes online marketing. She can spice up your marketing campaign with the content she makes and then incorporate Buy Real Marketing services.

Sunday 14 June 2015

Description of the game Assassin's Creed Chronicles China

Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China - the first part of a trilogy based on the self-mega action, action which takes place in medieval China in the dark days of anarchy that followed the fall of the Ming Dynasty. The main character was trained in a secret fraternity of assassins and returned to his homeland to help restore order and rebuild the local Order of Assassins.

Description of the game Assassin's Creed Chronicles China

The gameplay is traditional, is no different from the original version of the game. You will control your character in the third person, and perform a variety of missions, predominantly related to the secret penetration on protected objects and silent elimination of opponents. Beautiful acrobatics, spectacular fighting techniques, beautifully-drawn locations - all this awaits you in this series.

New games usually do not know what to expect, especially when it comes to self-cycle cult trilogy of games from independent studios. Is it worth spending your time on it, and the more money you will learn from the detailed video review.

Year: 2015
Genre: Action (Action) Arcade
Platforms: PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4

Thursday 4 June 2015

Easy Transfer Files between Android and Windows PC Using WiFi

Transferring files without USB-data cable: Have you ever tried to transfer any files, such as any documents, songs, videos, movies, software, games, etc. between your computer and android phones without the use of a data cable USB. Yes it can, to curry favor, I'm going to tell you about a simple way to transfer files between a computer and using a mobile phone WiFi. To use this method you need a computer with MS Windows operating system and android devices. 

This method makes the use of WiFi instead of USB Data Cable so make sure your both device have WiFi facility. If you wanna transfer files between Laptop and Android phone then ok you don't need need any extra hardware because now a days almost every laptops & android phones have WiFi facility but if you want to perform this job with Desktop computer then you will need a WiFi Adapter to use WiFi in your PC. Steps are very simple, lets see the tutorial step by step.

What You Need?

As i already told you that you need an Computer or Laptop with Windows OS, an Android phone. Except these, here you will need one android application named Software Data Cable to perform such job.

Steps to Transfer Files between Computer and Android Phone or Vice Versa.

  • First of all take your android phone and open Play Store.
  • Now Search for an application. In search box type Software Data Cable and hit search button.
  • Select the first app named Software Data Cable from the search result as shown in the picture below.
Search Software Data Cable
  • Install the app and once the installation is completed, open them.
Install Software Data Cable
  • Well, now click on START SERVICE button which is situated in the bottom.
Start Service, Software Data Cable
  • Make a click on Create network as shown in picture below.
Create Network in Software Data Cable
  • Once you will complete above process the Hotspot service will be automatically created in your android phone. Please note the Network SSID and Password and click on Dismiss.
  • Now Turn ON the WiFi in your computer, search for the available network and made a connection with that Network and Password you have noted in above step.
  • You'r done. Note the FTP address which is displayed on your Phone's screen. Now open My Computer and enter the FTP address in address bar and hit enter (as shown in below picture).
FTP Adress from Software Data Cable
  • Thats all, now Open storage folder and transfer the files whatever you want to transfer from Android phone to computer or vice versa.