Make Money with Dailymotion in Urdu Hindi Tutorial
Make money online is only possible if you are dedicated and wish to earn online. Daily Motion is the biggest video sharing platform on internet and now you can make money as well with dailymotion. There are three ways to make money with dailymotion as given below,
1. Official Partner
2. Publisher
3. OpenVoD
Now we will discuss official partner plan first and rest will be discussed in next posts.
1. Official Partner
2. Publisher
3. OpenVoD
Now we will discuss official partner plan first and rest will be discussed in next posts.
Dailymotion Official Partner Program
Daily motion offers you to take part in their official partner plan. If you have genuine videos and wish to share them online, dailymotion is the best place to share. The best part is that you can monetize your videos as well to make money. If your account is approved by dailymotion for monetization, you can share as many as videos and Dailymotion Company will put adds on your videos. Dailymotion will give you 70% of all the revenue you will earn from your videos.
Now we will discuss the complete method to make money with dailymotion.
Now we will discuss the complete method to make money with dailymotion.
Dailymotion Account Opening Procedure
Dailymotion has page rank 8 and Alexa Rank 88, a very reliable video sharing website. You can make an account very easily. Just click on Join Now and share your details and your account will be created in minutes. If you are using dailymotion only for traffic for you blog or website, no need to apply for dailymotion partner program.
Become an Official Partner
If you wish to make money from this great platform, scroll down and click on Become Official Partner. You will find a new form, just fill it and send it for approval. The most vital part is that you have to share at least on genuine video for account approval.
If your content is up to standard of dailymotion, your account will be approved in few hours. Dailymotion will appreciate the HD content and if you have a blog or website, share the URL in the account approval form and you have an extra edge over others.
If your content is up to standard of dailymotion, your account will be approved in few hours. Dailymotion will appreciate the HD content and if you have a blog or website, share the URL in the account approval form and you have an extra edge over others.
Advantages of Dailymotion Official User Account
If you have blog or website and you have Google Adsense ads on it, you have to work hard to make money from it but if you have dailymotion official account, just share the good quality content and enjoy. The main advantages are given below;
Less time Required to upload the videos as compare to write an article
No Need of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
High Quality Free Traffic
So go ahead and share good quality content to make money with dailymotion. In next post we will discuss dailymotion publisher account procedure and how you can make more money with dailymotion publisher account.
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Computer Software And Tutorials is the platform where you can find career building strategies and money making tips in an easy way. Good Luck
Less time Required to upload the videos as compare to write an article
No Need of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
High Quality Free Traffic
So go ahead and share good quality content to make money with dailymotion. In next post we will discuss dailymotion publisher account procedure and how you can make more money with dailymotion publisher account.
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Computer Software And Tutorials is the platform where you can find career building strategies and money making tips in an easy way. Good Luck
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